How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii

In this free art lesson, you’ll learn how to draw the basic head and face of a Manga Girl in a the three quarter (3/4) view step-by-step. All of the tutorials on are good drawing tutorials for beginners and experienced artists alike. The online tutorials are easy to follow; they teach you the how to draw basics while showing you how to draw manga step by step. 

To draw this Manga Girl Head and Face (3/4 view), follow the step-by-step drawings below. The new lines in each step are shown in red, so you’ll know exactly what to draw next. Take your time and draw at your own pace. 

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Intro: Start off with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don’t press down too hard. For every step, sketch lightly at first so that it’s easy to erase if you make a mistake.

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii 1

Step 1: Draw a big circle as a guide for the top of the manga girl’s head. To draw the circle, first make four marks to determine the height and width. Then connect the marks using curved lines. Space out the marks evenly at the beginning. The farther apart the marks are, the bigger the circle will be. Sketch lightly at first so that it’s easy to erase if you make a mistake. If you’re struggling to draw the circle, just trace the outer rim of a circular object like a bowl or a lid.  

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii 2

Step 2: Below the circle, draw an angled line as a guide for the jaw and chin. Pay attention to the length of this guide. The outer sides slope in toward the middle a little bit. The bottom part is similar to a wide letter V. The bottom tip of this line should be off to the right a bit.  

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii 3

Step 3: Half way between the top and bottom of the whole head, draw a long horizontal line as a construction guide that will help you place the facial features later. Curve the line a bit so that it contours to the shape of the circle.

Draw a long vertical line across the entire head for another construction guide. The vertical line should be closer to the right side because of the way the head is turned in a three-quarter view. Curve the vertical line a bit too.

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii 4

Step 4: Below the head shape, draw a two short, vertical lines as guides for the neck.

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Step 5: On the sides of the neck, draw two long, sloping horizontal lines as guides for a bit of the shoulders. The outer tips of the lines should curve down. You can skip this step if you don’t want to include shoulders in your drawing.

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii Guides Lines Guidelines

That’s it for the guides! From this point on, press harder with your pencil for a more defined drawing.

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Step 6: Inside the head, directly under the horizontal construction line, draw two thick curved lines for the top part of the eyes. Use the vertical line as a guide to help you position the eyes. The eye on the right should fit in the area between the vertical construction line and the edge of the first circle. The eye on the right should also be slightly smaller than the eye on the left because of the perspective of the turned head. Make the inner tips of the eyes thin.

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Step 7: On top of the eyes, draw a few short, curved spike-like shapes for the eyelashes. On the bottom of each eye, draw a short, curved line with more spike-like shapes for the lower eyelashes. The eye on the right should have fewer eyelashes because that side of the head is turned away.

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Step 8: Inside each eye, draw a small oval for the irises. The oval on the right should be smaller to fit the smaller eye. The top part of this oval should also be hiding behind the eyelashes.

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Step 9: Inside each iris, draw an even smaller oval and shade them in for the pupils. The pupil on the left should be in the middle of the iris. The pupil on the right should be closer to the left edge of the iris because of the way the head is turned.

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Step 10: On the edge of each iris, draw two tiny circles for highlights. On each iris, there should be a circle near the top and another circle near the bottom. Draw the circles directly over the edges of the irises. Above each eye, draw a curved horizontal line for the folds of the eyelids.

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Step 11: Higher above the eyes, draw two long, horizontal lines for the eyebrows. The inner tips of the eyebrows should be thick and they should slope down a bit. The outer tip of the eyebrows should be thinner. Use the vertical construction line as a guide to help you space out the eyebrows.

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii 12

Step 12: Below the eye on the right and to the right of the vertical construction line, draw a very small line for the nose. The line for the nose should be similar to a greater-than sign (>). Place the nose directly up against the lower edge of the main circle. To the left of the nose, draw a tiny line for the nostril. Below the nose and to the left of the vertical construction line, draw a sort, curved horizontal line for the mouth.

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii 13

Step 13: On the left side of the head, draw a long, curved line that’s similar in shape to the letter C for the ear. Place this line between the horizontal construction line and the neck. The top part of the ear should be inside the neck. 

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Step 14: Inside the ear, draw a series of curved shapes for the inner ear structure. These lines don’t have to be perfect, just draw some short curved lines that are similar to the image for extra detail. You can also draw fewer lines and the ear would still look okay.

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Step 15: Darken the outer edges of the first two guides to create the overall shape of the head. As you darken the lines on the bottom, make the shapes curvier for a smoother jaw and chin. The line on the right side should dip in toward the eye to create the curved cheek below.

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Step 16: Darken the lines under the head for the neck and shoulders. Remember that you can omit the shoulder lines if you don’t want to draw them.

How to Draw Basic Manga Girl Head Face Three Quarter 3/4 View Anime Chibi Kawaii
Final Step: For a cleaner look, erase as much as you can of the initial guide lines. Don’t worry about erasing all of the guides. It’s okay to leave some behind. Erase the bit of the iris that’s inside the tiny highlight circle. The highlight circle should be blank inside. Re-draw any final sketch lines you may have accidentally erased. That’s it! Keep practicing until you get the head and face right. Draw it again and again and eventually you’ll get better! Click on the link below to learn how to draw short hair using this Basic Head Template: