In this free art lesson, you’ll learn how to draw a Manga Boy with Spiky hair step-by-step. All of the tutorials on How2DrawManga.com are good drawing tutorials for beginners and experienced artists alike. The online tutorials are easy to follow; they teach you the how to draw basics while showing you how to draw manga step by step.
To learn how to draw Spiky hair, we will be using the Basic Boy Head / Face template that we created in a previous tutorial. Click on the link below to complete the Head and Face drawing first:
After you have your drawing for the Basic Head / Face, follow the step-by-step drawings below to add the Spiky hair. The new lines in each step are shown in red, so you’ll know exactly what to draw next. Take your time and draw at your own pace.
Intro: Start off with a pencil sketch. In the beginning stages, don’t press down too hard. For every step, sketch lightly at first so that it’s easy to erase if you make a mistake

Step 1: Near the middle of the forehead, draw a big V-shaped line for the first clump of hair for the manga boy. The V-shaped line should tilt a bit and the bottom tip should touch the eyebrow. To the right, draw two similarly-shaped but smaller V-shaped lines. The bottom tips of these clumps should follow the edge of the eyebrow. Squeeze three more V-shaped lines between the eyebrow and the ear. The spikes on the right should be lower and it’s okay if they overlap the eyebrow a bit.

Step 2: On the left side, draw a few more V-shaped clumps of hair. Draw the lines on the left-most side lower so that they are closer to the boy’s ear. Squeeze the V-shapes that are farther to the left.

Step 3: Draw a series of short V-shaped lines along the lower, left side of the manga boy’s head. The spikes should gradually get bigger the farther up the head they are. Also, the higher up they are, the more that they should tilt to the right.

Step 4: Follow the edge of the boy’s head and draw more spikes along the curvature. These spikes should gradually turn so that the spike at the top has a horizontal orientation. Add a spikes of different sizes every now and then for variation. You can also draw straight lines for loose individual hair strands. Pay attention to how far away the spikes are from the head.

Step 5: Draw more spikes along the top curvature of the manga boy’s head. Don’t draw the spikes directly along the edge of the head. Draw the spikes a bit higher but maintain the curvature of the head. You can draw the spikes as small or as big as as you want too. If you want to create short hair like Naruto or Ichigo from “Bleach”, draw small, V-shaped spikes. If you want longer hair like Goku from “Dragon Ball Z” or Yugi from “Yu-Gi-Oh!” use bigger and wider V-shaped lines.

Step 6: Add spikes on the top, right side of the boy’s head but begin to turn them so that they have a horizontal orientation. Remember to follow the curvature of the head but don’t draw the spikes too close to the edge of the head. Turn your paper upside-down if it makes it easier to draw V-shaped spikes. Curve the lines that make up the spikes a bit too and add some straight lines for loose hair strands.

Step 7: Draw more spikes on the lower, right side to finish the manga boy’s hair. These spikes should be smaller and the should be closer the the edge of the head. By this point, these spikes should also be more vertically orientated. It’s okay if both sides of the hair aren’t perfectly symmetrical. The different-sized spikes add variety.

Step 8: Using a pen or marker, go over the lines to make your manga boy with spiky hair drawing permanent. Ink slowly and carefully to avoid accidents. If you’d like, you can draw the eyebrows over the hair like in the image or omit everything that is behind the hair. It all depends on personal style. Some manga artists draw the eyebrows over the hair because hair can be a bit see-through and others don’t. It’s up to you. After the ink dries, get rid of every pencil mark with an eraser.

Final Step: Color your manga boy with spiky hair drawing! This drawing was colored digitally but you can achieve the same result using color pencils, markers or crayons! For this look, use dark blue along the bottom edges of the hair for shadows and color the rest of the hair regular blue. You can also color the hair any other color you want. Manga characters are always colorful, so use, red, green, orange or any other color you want!
Use peach for the skin. Use a bit of light brown under the head and spikes for shadows. Color the irises dark brown at the top and gradually add light brown at the bottom. Using two colors gives the iris a more rounded feel. For a simpler drawing, you can also just use a single color for the iris. You can also use any other color you’d like for the eyes. Don’t overlap the tiny highlight circles inside the eyes as you color the irises.
That’s it! Keep practicing until you get the hair right. Draw it again and again using different colors and eventually you’ll get better! Bookmark this page for different upcoming hairstyles.
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